Staying in Abbazia Santa Anastasia in style
and exclusive benefits!

Only for direct bookings from the website, with a minimum stay of three nights, a complimentary bottle of wine in the room.

Secure Holidays

Anti-Covid security measures

adopted in our abbey for peaceful stays


- At the first access, the body temperature is measured with a digital thermometer. In case of body temperature > 37.5 ° C, entry will not be allowed
- Information sheets on prevention measures throughout the facility
- There are dispensers for hand sanitation positioned in every area of ​​the hotel
- In the common areas it is mandatory to respect the interpersonal distance of at least 1 meter if they do not belong to the same family or frequenters.
- The mask must be worn in the internal common areas in the presence of other guests. In common outdoor areas, the mask must be worn when it is not possible to respect the distance of at least 1 meter. Compliance with this measure is facilitated by the differentiation of routes within the structure both at the entrance and at the exit.
- Interpersonal distancing does not apply to members of the same family group or cohabitants, nor to persons occupying the same room, nor to persons who, according to the current provisions, are not subject to interpersonal distancing (the latter aspect refers to individual responsibility).
- The reception is equipped with safety screens, with a check-in area and a check-out area. The staff wears the mask on all occasions of contact with users in the various departments.
- Online reservations are recommended from our Booking Engine o tramite e-mail This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- It is recommended to send scanned documents to speed up the check-in phase where possible.
- Electronic payment methods are recommended.
- The buffet will be consumed in assisted mode by our staff, behind protective screens. Self-service mode is not allowed.
- Each object provided in use by the structure to the guest will be sanitized before delivery.
- Frequent cleaning and sanitizing of all environments are guaranteed, with particular attention to common areas and surfaces touched most frequently (handrails, light switches, door handles, windows, etc.).
- For air conditioning systems, the ordinary and extraordinary cleaning of the recirculating air filters is guaranteed when the system is stopped, to maintain adequate filtration/removal levels, according to the technical indications referred to in the document of the Higher Institute of Health. Measures for natural air exchange must be further strengthened.
- All the upholstery (furniture carpets) and the magazines / brochures of common use have been removed.
- For the restaurant business, the spacing of at least 1 meter between the tables and the use of outdoor spaces (gardens, terraces, internal beam) is adopted
- The menus are digitized with a QR code, alternatively the plastic version is required to be sanitized each time.


- interpersonal distance 7 m2 per bather in the pool
- solarium area with deck chairs / sun beds spaced at least one meter apart if not belonging to the same family circle
- regular sanitation of beds, deck chairs, showers, tables and handrails several times a day (tub, solarium, changing rooms, etc.)
- maintenance of the disinfectant power of the tank water which provides a continuous amount of free active chlorine with a value between 1 and 1.5 mg / l
- assurance of the effectiveness of the pool water and air treatment systems for confined pools
- for health management measures and procedures for emergency events related to COVID-19, the competent medical facilities are 12 km away.

Packages & Special Offers

Holidays and special days, Sunday lunch in the Abbey, weekend on the Madonie mountains and many more exclusive offers and packages that Abbazia Santa Anastasia reserves to who books directly from the website. To live a unique experience in our Charming Wine Resort in Castelbuono.


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Abbazia Santa Anastasia
S.r.l. Agricola
P.IVA 02682990821

Contrada Santa Anastasia, snc
90013 Castelbuono (PA)
Relais (+39) 0921.67.22.33
Winery (+39) 331 3248148
Phone (+39) 0921.671.959

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