Staying in Abbazia Santa Anastasia in style
and exclusive benefits!

Only for direct bookings from the website, with a minimum stay of three nights, a complimentary bottle of wine in the room.

The Pak of Abbazia Santa Anastasia


A place where nature designs spaces

the austerity of the mountains marries a dreamlike atmosphere

The 450 hectares on which Abbazia Santa Anastasia extends today include an enchanting wooded park: an amazing green mantle, divided between the territories of Castelbuono, Pollina and Geraci Siculo. Overlooking the Tyrrhenian Sea, where the Aeolian Islands can be seen on the horizon, the park is flooded with the typical vegetation of the Mediterranean scrub. A real botanical garden pampered by the sea breeze.
Splendid oak and ash woods with their magical nuances draw the typical contours of the naturalistic scenery of the Madonie mountains, where man has left clear evidence: from the remains of prehistoric times to religious buildings, and to the tracks of the Bourbon period. A space where man has had the ability to live in harmony with nature.

The trails and paths of the Park

the thrill of discovery

Guests will have the opportunity to perceive a real sense of peace and freedom, thanks to the Park where nature becomes a means of conjunction with one's self. Witnesses of the past, some historical trails and tracks cross the park, showing off the importance that this area has had in history, both for the community of monks and for the subsequent settlement of agricultural production. Discovering the paths already traced, mapped and equipped will make every stay a continuous emotion. Hour after hour, each step will reveal something unexpected. Among these paths, which lead from the Abbey to Zurrica and other company buildings, we point out "Passomaggio" - "Martelletto" - "Montenero" - "Zurrica", for a total extension of about 6 km.

Packages & Special Offers

Holidays and special days, Sunday lunch in the Abbey, weekend on the Madonie mountains and many more exclusive offers and packages that Abbazia Santa Anastasia reserves to who books directly from the website. To live a unique experience in our Charming Wine Resort in Castelbuono.


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Abbazia Santa Anastasia
S.r.l. Agricola
P.IVA 02682990821

Contrada Santa Anastasia, snc
90013 Castelbuono (PA)
Relais (+39) 0921.67.22.33
Winery (+39) 331 3248148
Phone (+39) 0921.671.959

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