Staying in Abbazia Santa Anastasia in style
and exclusive benefits!

Only for direct bookings from the website, with a minimum stay of three nights, a complimentary bottle of wine in the room.

Cooking Class


Personalized cooking classes

Learn to cook the typical dishes of the Sicilian tradition

In Sicily, food represents one of the pillars of that culture which is expressed in the art of good living. Immerse yourself in this immense and varied gastronomic heritage, grasp its nuances, this will help enrich the bouquet of emotions experienced within the Relais.

Abbazia Santa Anastasia offers a sensory walk to discover local products and their use in the kitchen, thanks to the preparation of the most authentic recipes that the Sicilian tradition preserves, handed down from generation to generation.

History and culture have handed down an explosion of flavours to the Madonie area through a mosaic of aromas and sensations that attract palates from all over the world. In harmony with the magical and rural philosophy that animates Abbazia, it will be possible to live a unique experience in contact with our land and its profound values.

In the kitchen with the chef

“Mani in pasta” and "Show Cooking"

The splendour of Sicilian culinary art materializes in theoretical and practical learning thanks to the skilled professionalism of Chef Alessandro Battaglia.
Learning to respect and work the raw materials that our garden offers is an experience you should not miss. At Abbazia, good eating turns into a space for discussion and sharing with two different formulas:

“Mani in pasta” (Hands-on cooking course) is dedicated to all those who wish to totally immerse themselves in the world of cooking. With the precious guidance of the Chef, fun and taste will lead the guest to juggle pots and ingredients, combining them for the preparation of each individual dish. At the end, a joyful moment of conviviality will allow each participant to taste the cooked dishes.

“Show Cooking” is a pure show for every lover of the art of good food. The lessons aim at teaching recipes and techniques of dishes that still write the history of the best Sicilian culinary tradition today. Witnesses of the story of each precious ingredient and the preparation of the recipe of the day, you will learn the secrets of tradition, and savour joy and memories that will settle in your soul.
Food Experience in the kitchens of Abbazia Santa Anastasia,
Charming Wine Resort on the Madonie mountains
Book your Cooking Class and have fun!

Packages & Special Offers

Holidays and special days, Sunday lunch in the Abbey, weekend on the Madonie mountains and many more exclusive offers and packages that Abbazia Santa Anastasia reserves to who books directly from the website. To live a unique experience in our Charming Wine Resort in Castelbuono.


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Abbazia Santa Anastasia
S.r.l. Agricola
P.IVA 02682990821

Contrada Santa Anastasia, snc
90013 Castelbuono (PA)
Relais (+39) 0921.67.22.33
Winery (+39) 331 3248148
Phone (+39) 0921.671.959

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